Tracking Your Baby's Growth And Development: What To Expect During The First Year

As your baby grows and develops, you might wonder what to expect and how to track their progress. In this article, we will explore the normal developments that occur during the first year of a baby’s life and discuss some tips on tracking your baby’s growth and development throughout this time. Read on to learn more! Introduction to Baby Growth and Development Congratulations on the birth of your baby! As a new parent, you may be wondering about your baby's growth and development. Here is some information on what to expect during your baby's first year. During the first few weeks after birth, your baby will gain weight and grow rapidly. You can expect your baby to double his or her birth weight by 4 to 6 months old. Your baby will also grow in length, with most babies gaining about 10 inches in their first year. As your baby grows, you will notice changes in his or her appearance and behavior. Your baby's skin will become less wrinkled and more smooth as he or she gai...